"Additional editorial work" is defined as additional work we have to do because additional work is required which exceeds the standard work during production, e.g. because the author does not adhere to our instructions, made a mistake or changes their mind.
For example, we charge on an hourly basis when extra copyediting work required (more than 7 hours) due to non-adherence to our Instructions for Authors. If an excessive cleanup of you manuscript is required, we give you a choice of doing these changes/edits yourself, or alternatively we can make the copyeditor do it, subject to additional charges.
If the copyediting is completed (which is the final chance for the author to make substantial changes), and the author suddenly has extensive changes during proofreading, or needs to re-order the references etc (all of which should have been done during copyediting), then we may charge for the additional time.
Similarly, if an article is already copyedited and proofread, and the author suddenly realizes that they need to make significant corrections at that stage (galleys stage), we will have to make these changes in the galleys, which is very time consuming and expensive.
We charge $190/hour.
Special flat rates are available for the following scenarios:
- Manuscript Reinstatement Fee - reinstating a previously withdrawn or lapsed/expired manuscript
- Excessive Proofreading Corrections - author requests a large number of corrections in the PDF galleys
- Discretionary Corrigenda and Addenda (correction after publication)
- Excessively long paper (over 10,000 words), excluding supplementary files and Multimedia Appendices - $60/1000 words
- Extended Copyediting - $500
See also:
- What are the steps during copyediting?
- What should the author do when proofreading the final galleys?
- What if my proofreading corrections are rejected?
- We published a paper in JMIR and have a correction. What is the process of publishing a corrigendum?
- Are there costs involved in publishing in JMIR journals, what are your fees?
- Which elements of my article are included in the word count?