- Which JMIR Publications journals are currently free to publish in?
- JMIR Publications publishing fees explained
- How to Submit a Students' Corner Manuscript for JMIR Medical Education
- APF Support for Corresponding Authors affiliated with the Digital Medicine Society
- Extended Copyediting Service
- Gibt es einen speziellen Preisnachlass fuer DFG-gefoerderte JMIR Autoren? (Are there any discounts available for JMIR authors funded by the German Research Foundation?)
- What is the Manuscript Reinstatement Fee?
- What are your fees for "additional editorial/production work" and when are they applied?
- How are JMIR authors funding the publication costs?
- Are there additional costs for colored figures?
- When is a grant proposal or protocol eligible for the 50% discount on the APF?
- What is your APF/APC?
- How does the Article Processing Fee (APF/APC) at JMIR compare to other journals/publishers?
- I don't have any grant money - how can I publish in JMIR?
- JMIR Publications Article Processing Fee (APF) Support Policy: Can you waive or discount the fees for me?