Please read the JMIR Publications APF Support Policy, if not already done.
JMIR Publications is not a funding organization and needs to be paid in order to be able to offer professional publishing services which include managing the peer review process, copyediting, XML markup and typesetting, submission to various databases and PubMed Central, as well as archiving, article and metadata curation on our websites.
Article processing fees can be funded in a number of different ways. We encourage authors to explore the OA funding options for their institution.
- Most authors pay publishing costs from their grant money, from the same funding envelope from which they would for example pay conference travel and fees. It is the responsibility of researchers to budget for open access publishing costs in their grant proposals. Some researchers even budget publishing an entire Theme Issue as end-of-grant knowledge transaction activity
- Some universities, institutions or departments have institutional membership arrangements with JMIR Publications, in which case the APF can be waived. Examples include authors from the University of California, whose APF is partially or fully covered by their institutional membership (see APF Support for Corresponding Authors from the University of California).
- Other institutions may have institutional open access funds, for example the signatories of the Compact for Open Access Equity (see also list below - if you are affiliated with one of these universities you should be able to get institutional funding).
- sometimes JMIR may publish Theme Issues which may be sponsored by third parties, in which case the APF does not apply (or is discounted). Please watch our announcements for calls for papers which specifically say that it is a sponsored theme issue.
- There is currently no fee for a letter to the editor (if the letter responds to or critiques a previously published article) and no fee for the article type Personal Perspectives (JMIR Mental Health) or "Patients Corner" (JMIR Cancer) if written by a patient
- Not all JMIR journals charge APFs/APCs. See Which JMIR journals are free of charge to publish in?
Institutional Open Access Funds
The following institutions are known to have institutional open access funds which can cover the APF - please go to signatories of the Compact for Open Access Equity for details or google the institution name with "open access fund".
We do not waive the fees from authors from these institutions because we assume that institutional mechanisms exist to cover the APF:
- Brandeis University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Colorado State University
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- Dartmouth College
- Duke University
- Emory University
- ETH Zurich
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- George Mason University
- Harvard University
- Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Johns Hopkins University
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Lund University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Northern Illinois University
- Simon Fraser University
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Texas A&M University
- Tufts University
- Universitat de Barcelona
- University of Bielefeld
- University of Calgary
- University of California (all 10 campuses incl UCLA, UCSF, UCSD etc) - discounts/waivers are automatically applied to JMIR submissions from UC authors, see APF Support for Corresponding Authors from the University of California
- University of Colorado
- University of Florida
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- University of Iowa
- University of Kansas
- University of Manitoba
- University of Minnesota
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Oregon
- University of Ottawa
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Rhode Island
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- University of Tromsø
- University of Utah
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Wake Forest University
If none of your coauthors is from these institutions, is a JMIR institutional member, or has any research funding or discretionary funds (including e.g. travel/dissemination funding), then please use the APF support application form to apply for a discount or waiver. The form needs to be signed by all coauthors and the department chair.
See also:
- Can you waive the fee for me? (JMIR Publications APF Support Policy)
- Which JMIR journals are free of charge to publish in?
- What are the costs involved in publishing in JMIR journals?
- How does the Article Processing Fee (APF/APC) at JMIR compare to other journals/publishers?
- JMIR Fee Schedule
- What are the forthcoming theme issues?
- Why do authors love publishing in JMIR journals and are happy with the publishing experience?
- How to become an author at JMIR
- APF Support for Corresponding Authors from the University of California