Peer-Review (FAQs for Reviewers)
- Web of Science Reviewer Recognition with JMIR
- (for reviewers) How to write a high-quality peer review
- How can a reviewer delete a review?
- Will I stay anonymous as a peer reviewer? (double-blind peer review?)
- How do I accept a review request?
- Are there any special instructions to peer-review for JMIR Research Protocols (JRP)?
- Do JMIR journals only publish "Internet" research?
- How to pause review requests from JMIR when on leave
- As a reviewer, where do I find the tracked changes version of the manuscript I am re-reviewing?
- I am a reviewer - how do I contact the Editor for a question?
- Where do I find my active and archived reviews
- As a reviewer, where do I upload my review?
- I was asked to peer-review but cannot find the full paper
- What does "Suggest Transfer" [to another JMIR journal] on the review form mean?
- I am a reviewer/editor and I need an official certificate or letter on JMIR letterhead to confirm my role
- I am re-reviewing a manuscript revision without tracked changes; how do I know what the authors changed?
- How to: Add/Remove your role as a Reviewer
- I submitted my review but need to edit it. How can I re-open my review page/form?
- As a reviewer re-reviewing a revision, where do I find other reviewer comments and the authors' responses to the previous reviewer comments?
- I peer-reviewed a paper for JMIR but don't know where to upload a version of the manuscript with tracked changes
- I was asked to review but cannot login
- How do I decline a review request?
- I agreed to review a paper but something has come up and I can't complete it
- Can I complete a review after the review deadline?
- How can I become a peer reviewer, what are the qualifications required, and where do I enter my reviewing interests?
- How to notify the Editor that I accept or decline a review request
- I agreed to review an article but after opening the submission, I realized I am not qualified at all to review the paper
- I agreed to review an article but realized I have a conflict of interest. How can I cancel?
- I received a peer-review request but need more time. Can I extend the review time?
- What does the JMIR Review Form look like?