Responses of the authors to the previous reviewer comments can be found at the end of the email which contains the re-review request (not the reminders, though).
If you cannot find that email (check your spam folder), you can find these also in the peer-review form:
- go to the peer-review form (link is in the first line of the review request email or the reminders)
- click on the arrow next to "Previous Review Rounds"
- you can open the headings for previous reviewer comments and the author response by clicking on the arrow next to the headings
- also download the revised manuscript and the supplementary files. Sometimes, authors also add a "tracked changes" version as supplementary file or respond to reviewers in a formatted Word document uploaded as supplementary file.
(after clicking the "arrow down" icons to expand the text:)
Note that occasionally authors make the mistake to upload only a supplementary file with responses to the reviewers instead of pasting their line by line responses into the cover letter for the editor (which is JMIR's standard), in which case it would not appear in the "Author Responses" drop-down field. Please download the manuscript and the supplementary files first to check the supplementary files for any responses, before contacting the editor to point out a missing response.
If the supplementary files also do not contain the response, please contact us by filing a ticket at so we can chase the authors for a proper response. Do not simply reject a paper because the response is missing.
Authors are encouraged (but not required) to upload an additional tracked-changes file as supplementary file. If this has not been provided and you think you need it, follow the instructions at I'm re-reviewing a manuscript revision without tracked changes, how do I know what authors changed?.
See also: