Copyediting Resources for Authors
FAQs regarding the copyediting process, covers guidelines and formatting requirements for authors
- [Kriyadocs] What are the authors' responsibilities during copyediting (Author Revisions stage)?
- JMIR House Style and Editorial Guidelines
- What are the steps during copyediting?
- How do I respond to my copyeditor's queries? (copyediting step 2a)
- What is the RefCheck process for authors? (copyediting step 2b)
- What are the authors' responsibilities during copyediting (Step 2)?
- I completed copyediting but I am still getting reminders from the system - what do I need to do?
- What do the different RefCheck icons mean?
- How can I reorder references during copyediting?
- How do I add a reference to my paper (RefCheck) after it has been accepted?
- How do I delete a reference from RefCheck?
- What types of figures are not permitted in JMIR articles?
- How do I add/upload a Multimedia Appendix?
- Why were abbreviations expanded in my abstract during copyediting/proofreading?
- Which abbreviations don't need to be expanded?
- Use of possessives with eponyms
- Which elements of my article are included in the word count?