It is important to understand that Multimedia Appendices must be uploaded as supplementary files in a separate section of the manuscript management system – do NOT simply send them as email attachments or upload them as manuscript file.
1. Checks before uploading a multimedia appendix file:
a. Do not include the title of the manuscript within the multimedia appendix file as this is likely to change during the copyediting and proofreading processes.
b. Do not number in the document itself; eg, the title of your document should be descriptive, although it can simply be “Multimedia Appendix”, but it should not be “Multimedia Appendix 1”, “Multimedia Appendix 2”, etc.
c. You are encouraged to add a reference to the full JMIR paper to the appendix. This enables somebody who finds the appendix through a search engine to identify and correctly cite the full paper.
Suggested wording: “This is a Multimedia Appendix to a full manuscript published in the J Med Internet Res. For full copyright and citation information see” (where xxxx is your JMIR manuscript number – eg, - note that this link only works after publication).
d. For complete file requirements, please read: What are the guidelines for supplementary files (figures, Multimedia Appendix, additional material for reviewers/editors only)?
2. Go to the summary tab of your submission (, where xxxx is your manuscript number)
3. Click the “Add a Supplementary File” link
4. You should see the supplementary file upload form at containing various fields to enter (optional) metadata. The most important (and only required) field is the caption field; provide a brief title/caption describing the contents of the appendix file.
Note: It is your responsibility to ensure each Multimedia Appendix is referenced in the manuscript (eg, "The instrument can be found in Multimedia Appendix 1"), as appendix files are not copyedited by the journal. It is therefore important that your accepted manuscript contains a reference to all multimedia appendices.
During typesetting, the Multimedia Appendices will be inserted before the references and look like this:
Multimedia Appendix 1
Sample screenshots of the interactive website
[PPT file (MS Powerpoint), 3 MB]
Multimedia Appendix 2
Survey Instrument
[PDF file (Adobe Acrobat), 124 kB]
See also: