An ORCID bubble beside an author's name could be one of three colors. Green does not necessarily mean that the ORCID is not valid.
Green ORCID icon
- ORCID information matches author profile or author name in the metadata
Orange ORCID icon
- ORCID information does not match author profile or author name in the metadata. There is a discrepancy in how the names appear.
- It is not required that an author's name in an article matches the author's name in the ORCID, so an orange ORCID is acceptable. The discrepancy could be caused by a middle initial being omitted, name variations, new surname, or missing accented characters.
- While an orange ORCID is acceptable, we recommend that you double-check if you entered the correct ORCID and, if you are the submitting user, double-check that you entered a co-author's name correctly.
- When adding an ORCID to a user profile, ensure the visibility settings of your ORCID is set to public by following these instructions:
Red ORCID icon
- No ORCID is provided for this author
- Note that all authors are required to have an ORCID for publication (see What is an ORCID, why is it mandatory to have one, and how can I get one?)
See also
- What is an ORCID?
- How do I add an ORCID to my JMIR User Profile?
- As a co-author, how do I add my ORCID to the manuscript metadata?
- As submitting author, where do I enter the ORCIDs of my coauthors?