An Article Processing Fee is usually charged after acceptance, but you can prepay (deposit) money in advance, which is particularly useful for expiring funding (money that needs to be spent before a grant expires/ends). (Another option in this situation of an expiring grant would be to purchase an institutional membership).
JMIR Prepaid Credits act like real money. Each prepaid credit is valued at $1 USD and is redeemable for anything you might want to purchase from JMIR Publications. Prepaid credits are non-transferable, non-refundable, and do not expire.
How to purchase
To purchase prepaid credits, go to your user homepage and click the Purchase Prepaid Credits link near the top of the page.
JMIR Publications charges a 7% handling fee on all wire and cheque payments. Please select the correct method of payment on page 2 of the invoice.
How to generate an invoice
If you need an invoice for Prepaid Credits, please go to the Order Checkout - Your Cart page first and select the quantity of credits you would like to purchase. Then scroll to the bottom of the Cart page and click on the Generate Invoice for Cart link.