What is Jisc?
The Jisc Consortium is an intermediary that negotiates with publishers and vendors on behalf of a community of UK universities. They negotiate the following:
- services,
- products, and;
- technologies.
JMIR and Jisc have agreed to a deal to help secure funding for authors who want to publish with JMIR
What Does the Jisc Deal Mean for Eligible Authors?
The Jisc deal provides APF waivers for corresponding authors affiliated with universities who have signed onto the deal.
What Does the Jisc Deal Mean for Librarians?
The Jisc deal removes the financial burden from librarian's authors by providing a coordinated arrangement for institutions to cover APF fees associated with publishing for JMIR Publications.
Which Authors are Eligible for the Jisc Deal?
Corresponding authors associated with Jisc-affiliated institutions that have a deal with JMIR are eligible for Jisc coverage.
Which Institutions are Covered by the Jisc Deal?
The following institutions are currently covered by the Jisc deal:
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Imperial College London
- Open University
- Ulster University
- University of Bath
- University of Birmingham
- University of Bristol
- University of Cambridge
- University College London
- University of Lancaster
- University of Oxford
- University of Sheffield
- University of Stirling
- University of Strathclyde
Interested in having your university added to the list?
Please contact your librarian if your institution is not on the list and also reach out to us at support@jmir.org with your library contact so we can follow up.
Sample letter to your library:
I noticed you have a number of agreements with publishers but JMIR Publications is not on the list. JMIR Publications is mission-driven and publishes over 35 leading journals in the field. [Together with colleagues] I am planning to publish / have published articles with them.
JMIR journals have long-served as the preeminent home for research on the intersection of technology and health. This journal community is known for providing excellent peer review and valuable feedback that improves papers, particularly for early career researchers entering the digital health space. JMIR's collection of high-quality titles and dedicated support for submitting authors ensures my work reaches the appropriate community with the greatest impact.
I strongly encourage you to consider supporting [Uni name] researchers through this OA agreement.
Which Papers are Covered by the Jisc Deal?
To receive an APF waiver a paper must
- Have an eligible corresponding author affiliated with an institution enrolled in a partnership with JMIR.
- Be submitted and accepted for publication between April 1st 2022 to March 31st 2025.
Funding from Other Sources
Jisc partner institutions have varying eligibility criteria for studies which are funded by other sources. For example, if a study is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, it may not be eligible for Jisc coverage, but this depends on the institution and individual manuscript.
How do Eligible Authors Request an APF Waiver?
Authors can request APF waivers during the submission process. To request an APF waiver, the corresponding author's submission form must have the following:
- The corresponding author affiliated with a university that is enrolled in a partnership with JMIR.
- The corresponding author using an email address from a university that is enrolled in a partnership with JMIR.
- A submission cover letter that has the following text: "Requesting APF waiver through the [UNIVERSITY NAME]-JMIR OA deal via Jisc."
These instructions may have also been displayed on the websites of JMIR's partners.