The Bibsam Consortium are the group of 94 Swedish universities, colleges, authorities and state research institutes who jointly sign, through the National Library of Sweden, agreements for journals and databases.
The National Library/Bibsam and JMIR Publications have agreed to a deal to support eligible authors with unlimited publishing in JMIR's entire gold open access journal portfolio.
Swedish national research funders - Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, and Vinnova - are jointly covering the cost of this program, demonstrating their strong commitment to open access initiatives. The agreement marks a significant step forward for open access publishing, and for progressing open science principles for both the benefit of all Swedish researchers and researchers around the world.
What Does the Bibsam Deal Mean for Eligible Authors?
The Bibsam deal provides unlimited APF waivers in any JMIR gold open access journal for corresponding authors affiliated with any of the 94 Bibsam member institutions (listed below).
What Does the Bibsam Deal Mean for Librarians?
The Bibsam deal reduces administrative burden on librarians by providing a coordinated arrangement and centralized workflow for greater operational efficiency and less resource drain.
Which Authors are Eligible for the Bibsam Deal?
Authors who are affiliated with a Bibsam member institution, i.e. who are students enrolled at or accredited to the institution or who are teaching and research staff employed by or otherwise accredited to Institution (including, but not limited to, guest researchers and professors emeriti). In the case of articles published by multiple authors only the corresponding author may qualify as Eligible Author. In case of several corresponding authors for the same article, only the one submitting the article may qualify as Eligible Author.
Which Papers are Covered by the Bibsam Deal?
To receive an APF waiver a paper must:
- Have an eligible corresponding author affiliated with a Bibsam member institution.
- Be Accepted for publication between 01 June 2024 to 31 December 2025.
How do Eligible Authors Request an APF Waiver under the Bibsam deal?
Authors must request APF waivers during the submission process. To request an APF waiver, the corresponding author's submission form must:
- State "Bibsam" as the primary institution
- Use their official institutional email address
- Lastly, include their individual institution (from the list below) as their personal institutional affiliation
These instructions may have also been displayed on the websites of Bibsam member institutions.
Which Institutions are Covered by the Bibsam Deal?
The following institutions are covered by the Bibsam deal:
English name | Swedish name | ROR |
Blekinge Institute of Technology | Blekinge tekniska högskola | https://ror.org/0093a8w51 |
Chalmers University of Technology | Chalmers tekniska högskola | https://ror.org/040wg7k59 |
Dalarna University | Högskolan Dalarna | https://ror.org/000hdh770 |
Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency | Tandvårds- och läkemedelsförmånsverket | n.a. |
Equality Ombudsman | Diskrimineringsombudsmannen | n.a. |
Geological Survey of Sweden | Sveriges geologiska undersökning | https://ror.org/050rtva22 |
Government Offices of Sweden | Regeringskansliet | https://ror.org/04gey0774 |
Halmstad University | Högskolan i Halmstad | https://ror.org/03h0qfp10 |
Institut Mittag-Leffler | Institut Mittag-Leffler | https://ror.org/02z85gz67 |
Jönköping University | Högskolan i Jönköping | https://ror.org/03t54am93 |
Karlstad University | Karlstads universitet | https://ror.org/05s754026 |
Karolinska Institute | Karolinska Institutet | https://ror.org/056d84691 |
Kristianstad University College | Högskolan Kristianstad | https://ror.org/00tkrft03 |
Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority) | Lantmäteriet | https://ror.org/00skbbq95 |
Linköping University | Linköpings universitet | https://ror.org/05ynxx418 |
Linnaeus university | Linnéuniversitetet | https://ror.org/00j9qag85 |
Luleå University of Technology | Luleå tekniska universitet | https://ror.org/016st3p78 |
Lund University | Lunds universitet | https://ror.org/012a77v79 |
Mälardalen University | Mälardalens universitet | https://ror.org/033vfbz75 |
Malmö University | Malmö universitet | https://ror.org/05wp7an13 |
Marie Cederschiöld University | Marie Cederschiöld högskola | https://ror.org/00ajvsd91 |
Medical Products Agency | Läkemedelsverket | https://ror.org/0356c4a29 |
Mid-Sweden University | Mittuniversitetet | https://ror.org/019k1pd13 |
National Agency for Education | Statens skolverk | https://ror.org/038wqs208 |
National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools | Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten | https://ror.org/01jq9hd27 |
National Board of Forensic Medicine | Rättsmedicinalverket | https://ror.org/02dxpep57 |
National Food Administration | Livsmedelsverket | https://ror.org/02b1qqv62 |
National Heritage Board | Riksantikvarieämbetet | https://ror.org/046rj3t65 |
National Library of Sweden | Kungliga biblioteket | https://ror.org/049bh0z35 |
National Museum of Science and Technology | Tekniska museet | https://ror.org/00rwrt808 |
Nordiska museet | Nordiska museet | https://ror.org/0467qa071 |
Örebro University | Örebro universitet | https://ror.org/05kytsw45 |
Public Health Agency of Sweden | Folkhälsomyndigheten | https://ror.org/05x4m5564 |
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Holding AB | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | https://ror.org/03nnxqz81 |
Royal Institute of Art | Kungliga konsthögskolan | https://ror.org/031fw8h15 |
Royal Institute of Technology | Kungliga Tekniska högskolan | https://ror.org/026vcq606 |
SBU, Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment | SBU, Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering | https://ror.org/04507cg26 |
Södertörn University | Södertörns högskola | https://ror.org/00d973h41 |
Sophiahemmet University | Sophiahemmet Högskola | https://ror.org/01aem0w72 |
Statistics Sweden | Statistiska centralbyrån | https://ror.org/05x7wz523 |
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute | SIPRI, Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut | https://ror.org/05e8ym512 |
Stockholm School of Economics | Handelshögskolan i Stockholm | https://ror.org/01s5jzh92 |
Stockholm University | Stockholms universitet | https://ror.org/05f0yaq80 |
Stockholm University of the Arts | Stockholms konstnärliga högskola | https://ror.org/04tf6q291 |
Swedish Agency of Marine and Water Management | Havs- och vattenmyndigheten | https://ror.org/00ht4dp10 |
Swedish Board of Agriculture | Jordbruksverket | https://ror.org/002qv2715 |
Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design | Statens centrum för arkitektur och design | https://ror.org/0043z0e71 |
Swedish Centre for Educational Research | Skolforskningsinstitutet | n.a. |
Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs | CAN | n.a. |
Swedish Defence Materiel Administration | Försvarets materielverk FMV | https://ror.org/0273ffp90 |
Swedish Defence Research Agency | Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut FOI | https://ror.org/0470cgs30 |
Swedish Defence University | Försvarshögskolan | https://ror.org/04mj8af82 |
Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten | https://ror.org/0359z7n90 |
Swedish Film Institute | Svenska filminstitutet | https://ror.org/03z2ts232 |
Swedish Geotechnical Institute | Statens geotekniska institut | https://ror.org/02j2xmd27 |
Swedish Higher Education Authority | Universitetskanslersämbetet | n.a. |
Swedish Institute for Children's Books | Svenska barnboksinstitutet | https://ror.org/04a6wa396 |
Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies | Sieps - Svenska institutet för europapolitiska studier | n.a. |
Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome | Svenska institutet i Rom | https://ror.org/04q6d4d25 |
Swedish Institute of Space Physics | Institutet för rymdfysik (IRF) | https://ror.org/043kppn11 |
Swedish Meteorological and hydrological institute | SMHI | https://ror.org/00hgzve81 |
Swedish Museum of Natural History | Naturhistoriska riksmuseet | https://ror.org/05k323c76 |
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute | Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut | https://ror.org/04zmmpw58 |
Swedish Patent and Registration Office | Patent- och registreringsverket | https://ror.org/019gpcj13 |
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority | Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (SSM) | https://ror.org/00v9vte73 |
Swedish Research Council | Vetenskapsrådet | https://ror.org/03zttf063 |
Swedish research council for health, working life and welfare | Forte, Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd | https://ror.org/02d290r06 |
Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul | Svenska forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul | n.a. |
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH | Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan | https://ror.org/046hach49 |
Swedish Transport Administration | Trafikverket | https://ror.org/000nes056 |
Swedish Transport Agency | Transportstyrelsen | https://ror.org/000nes056 |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet | https://ror.org/02yy8x990 |
The Art Library | Konstbiblioteket/Nationalmuseum och Moderna Museet | n.a. |
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate | Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO) | n.a. |
The Institute for Futures Studies | Institutet för framtidsstudier (IFFS) | https://ror.org/00x2kxt49 |
The Music and Theatre Library of Sweden | Musik- och teaterbiblioteket | n.a. |
The National Archives (including The Military Archives) | Riksarkivet RA inklusive Krigs- och landsarkiven | https://ror.org/050j2px32 |
The National Board Of Health And Welfare | Socialstyrelsen | https://ror.org/01v4pc162 |
The Nordic Africa Insitute | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | https://ror.org/05q84se63 |
The Riksdag Administration | Riksdagsförvaltningen | https://ror.org/0069s6n55 |
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency | Naturvårdsverket | https://ror.org/02y7nf053 |
The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) | Brottsförebyggande rådet | n.a. |
The Swedish Red Cross University College of Nursing and Health | Röda Korsets Högskola | https://ror.org/01f0prq08 |
The Swedish Research Council Formas | Formas | https://ror.org/03zttf063 |
The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate | Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen | n.a. |
Umeå University | Umeå universitet | https://ror.org/05kb8h459 |
University College of Arts, Craft and Design | Konstfack | https://ror.org/00pbfkr44 |
University of Boras | Högskolan i Borås | https://ror.org/01fdxwh83 |
University of Gävle | Högskolan i Gävle | https://ror.org/043fje207 |
University of Gothenburg | Göteborgs universitet | https://ror.org/01tm6cn81 |
University of Skövde | Högskolan i Skövde | https://ror.org/051mrsz47 |
University West | Högskolan Väst | https://ror.org/0257kt353 |
Uppsala University | Uppsala universitet | https://ror.org/048a87296 |
Vinnova | Vinnova | https://ror.org/01kd5m353 |
Please reach out to us at support@jmir.org with any further questions.