We can liaise with authors' press offices to review a press release and make sure the original article is properly cited.
Please also send us your press release and images, if any, including photos of the main author(s) to support@jmir.org. JMIR will post press releases on our blog, www.digitalhealthscience.org. We reserve the right to edit press releases to bring the article in line with house style.
However, the authors will need to be involved in the coordination of the date of publication. Ideally, authors will coordinate the date with the Production Editor assigned to their paper during proofreading through proofreading comments in the JMIR system. In this case, the authors can inform their press office of the agreed-upon date.
If it is absolutely necessary for the press office to be involved in coordinating a date of publication, please file a ticket with support@jmir.org and CC the authors—the decision will still need authors’ approval. Once all pertinent parties have agreed upon a date, authors will be asked to record this date in the JMIR system through the proofreading comments.