When JMIR authors pay for the Article Processing Fee (APF) for an accepted paper, they can add "knowledge dissemination" options to their payment to amplify dissemination and maximize impact of their work among different audiences and venues, which include for example extra dissemination through TrendMD or sponsored Tweets. These choices are all optional.
- TrendMD (see also What is TrendMD?) is a large network of publishers cross-promoting articles, explained here.
- Sponsored tweet campaigns can be ordered by authors and will be set up by JMIR. In the sponsored tweet option, the author can specify a budget (in $99 increments) which we will use to set up a Twitter advertising campaign (External link to twitter: What are Promoted Tweets? - Twitter for Business). We obviously tweet about each article (free of charge), but with the sponsored tweet campaign, that "organic" tweet is promoted by Twitter and seen by more followers (What is a sponsored Tweet?).
- Note: for papers accepted into the COVID-19 theme issue (or any paper related to the COVID-19 pandemic), we are unable to offer the sponsored tweet service. This is due to a restriction on promoted tweets regarding the pandemic. The sponsored tweet option should not be selected during the payment process. We would instead recommend using our TrendMD manuscript promotion tool.
- Author Ad: This creates a banner at the top of the article page which links to a URL of the authors' choice, for example the homepage of the author, authors' institution, or the homepage of an app that is the subject of the study (What is a "Lifelong Author Ad"?). This is the only form of "advertising" JMIR accepts.
- PubMed Now! - we make the accepted manuscript version available as Preprint and submit the metadata to Pubmed immediately (within 24 hours), so that a "ahead-of-print" version is immediately discoverable in PubMed, this service is not available after the Article Processing Fee is paid (see What is the "PubMed Now!" ("ahead-of-print") option when I pay the APF?).
- As of 2021 -02-23 The Crowdfunding Widget is not longer available. Crowdfunding widget: See What is the Crowdfunding Widget?
Some APF add-ons may be selected by default based on what we think would be the most beneficial to you. In such cases, there will be an "opt out" link either on the checkout cart or the invoice to remove the default selections.
If the APF is already paid or waived, you can still generate invoices for each individual add-on by going to the Generate Invoices page. Please note that these options are only available if your article has been accepted for publication.
Invoices for each individual add-on will be generated with a quantity of 1 by default, to change this:
- Proceed to the checkout page by clicking on the link in the Credit Card method section of your invoice.
- In "Step 2: Your cart", you will be able to change the quantity.
- To get a revised invoice, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Generate Invoice for Cart".
- What is TrendMD?
- What is a sponsored Tweet?
- What is a "Lifelong Author Ad"?
- What is the Crowdfunding Widget?
- What is the "PubMed Now!" ("ahead-of-print") option when I pay the APF?)
- What is a Visual Abstract?
- JMIR's Innovations and Knowledge Translation Author Services
- TrendMD had a price change on June 19th, 2018.
- PubMed Now! is available since Jan 2019