As a digital-only journal, we have no print restrictions. However, for readability purposes, we encourage authors to include no more than 5 tables and no more than 8 figures per article. Please note that additional tables and figures beyond this soft limit can be published alongside the main manuscript as Multimedia Appendices. You can confirm with the editor assigned to your paper if there are more than 5 tables or 8 figures that really should appear within your main manuscript.
Please make sure that tables are included in your .doc or .docx file and that figures are uploaded to our manuscript management system.
Additionally, tables should not run beyond the 1-inch margin of a portrait-orientation 8.5"x11" page using 12pt font or they may not be able to be included in your main manuscript because of our PDF sizing. This is most important for landscape-orientation tables, which cannot be published in your main manuscript and will be moved to a Multimedia Appendix.