What metrics can TrendMD provide to help me assess the quality and quantity of promotion?
TrendMD provides several metrics to assess the quantity and quality of attention your article receives including:
How many additional visitors read your content
Where (publishers and journals) readers came from to read your article
What articles people were reading before they read your article
Institutional and geographical location of your referred readers
What if I don’t receive the required number of targeted article views for the budget I have set?
TrendMD’s algorithm will distribute your research based primarily on user engagement with your content. The more people engage with your work, the more attention your article will receive. Operationally, the algorithm takes into consideration behavioral, contextual, and social inputs, as well as general network trends of trending research articles. TrendMD reaches over 8M unique scholarly readers per month; all articles will receive at least 100 additional article views within 1 month or less.
What happens if I keep clicking on my promoted content on the TrendMD network? Does it mean I can artificially increase traffic to my own content?
No. TrendMD filters out repeat clicks from identical users over the network.
For more questions on TrendMD, please contact support@trendmd.com
Screenshot of author dashboard
See also: