If you published a protocol in JMIR Research Protocols (RR1, Registered Report Stage 1), then your manuscript that reports the final results of the study is considered a RR2 (Registered Report Stage 2, see What is a Registered Report?).
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Results manuscripts (RR2) are NOT be eligible for a 20% discount if at least one of the following applies:
- The provided DOI/IRRID is not a study protocol for the currently submitted manuscript (for example, a provided DOI for a related published study is not a RR1; or, if the study protocol is for a different study, even if it is a RR1, it is not applicable to the currently submitted manuscript).
- The study protocol was not published in JMIR Research Protocols.
JMIR Publications staff and editors will verify that that study protocol (RR1) is related to the submitted results manuscript (RR2) before the 20% discount is applied.