Anybody who does not have a competing interest can be nominated as peer-reviewer (How does JMIR define a Conflict of Interest (COI)?).
Often, the authors you cite in your reference list are good reviewers. For more details see
WARNING: Instances of attempted or actual peer-review fraud, where authors knowingly nominate peer-reviewers which have an obvious competing interest, who contact or influence reviewers to submit reviews, or who assume false identities as "fake reviewers" will be treated as scientific misconduct, and we will reserve steps such as immediate rejection or retraction of already published manuscripts, and informing the host institution of authors about the attempted or actual misconduct.
External reports about peer-review fraud and the consequences:
- China cracks down after investigation finds massive peer-review fraud
- Peer-Review Fraud — Hacking the Scientific Publication Process
See also:
- How does JMIR define a Conflict of Interest (COI)?
- I am submitting a paper and I am asked to suggest peer-reviewers, but don't know who to suggest. Can I bypass this step?
For editors/JMIR staff only: