The following will help you to reset your password to login to your JMIR user homepage and author account. The workflow below assumes you still have access to your email (if this is not the case, read I forgot my password but can't reset it since the e-mail address associated with my use profile is no longer active or cannot be accessed by me. What should I do).
- Click the forgot password link at the bottom of the login form or go directly to
- Enter the email address associated with your account.
- A confirmation email titled: “Password Reset: Confirmation Required" will be sent to you. Open it and click the first link. It will be located under the line: “Reset my password:”. This link will take you to a page confirming that a 2nd email titled: “Password Reset (CONFIRMED)” with a new temporary password has been sent.
- Open the 2nd email. It will contain your new password.
- You can then successfully login with your username (or email) and your new temporary password.
- After logging in, you will be prompted to create a new password.
Should you require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask us for help.
Note that if you are a reviewer, you do not need to login - simply follow the link in the first line of your review request email.