For detailed information about Journal Impact Factor (IF or JIF), which is published annually by Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science Group) in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), we recommend authors to refer to the Clarivate website for the most detailed explanation: Calculation for journal impact factor
The 2023 JCR release and information is available on the Clarivate website: Journal Citation Reports
Generally, the JIF is a metric of excellence for a journal, it is not an article-level metric. Article-level metrics are citations to a specific article, as well as altmetrics, tweetations, twimpact factor.
JMIR Publications discourages JIF misuse. Read more: What is Impact Factor misuse?
While JMIR Publications is proud of our leading position when ranked by Journal Impact Factor, we also discourage misuse of JIF. Still, our ranking in the JCR is an important validation that even as a small Open Access publisher we can compete with journals published by publishing giants.
Articles published in indexed journals are not appearing in WoS
It takes 4-6 weeks for content to appear in Web of Science after it is published. If your article is not appearing in WoS, please reach out to report the missing article and WoS can investigate.