When referring to the word count, we do not include author metadata, references, multimedia appendices, or figures.
There is generally no maximum word count for JMIR journals, as we are an electronic journal and have no "hard" limits. However, as of Oct 19, 2020, fees for additional editorial work will be applied to papers if the word count exceeds 10,000 words (see What are your fees for "additional editorial/production work" and when are they applied?).
We suggest aiming for a maximum of 10,000 words in the main body of the text (excluding author metadata, figure content, multimedia appendices, and references) and moving some information into the Multimedia Appendices if the manuscript is lengthy; the limiting factor is the readers' attention span. For example, detailed methods with formulas or lengthy tables are often better suited for a Multimedia Appendix (you may put an abridged table into the main manuscript and move a detailed table with more columns into an Appendix).
If a table is more than 1.5 pages long in the final typeset PDF (>3 pages in Word doc with font size 10-12 point), you may be asked to move the content to a Multimedia Appendix during copyediting or proofreading. This is generally non-negotiable. If a longer-than-usual table contains essential information to your paper, please condense it into an abridged version as detailed above prior to submitting.
Short papers are generally less than 1500 words.
- Where/how do I submit my paper to a JMIR journal?
- Which elements of my article are included in the word count?
- How should tables be designed/submitted?
- How many tables and figures can I include in my article?