If you still need to contact us, our basic information such as our address, email addresses, tax registration numbers or payment information/bank accounts (please choose the US$ account), can all be found at our Contact Us page.
You can also file a support ticket through the green support button visible on the lower right corner of every JMIR page (however, remember to search the Knowledge Base / FAQs first).
Please do not send us spam emails.
If you wish to contact authors of a specific paper, please use their email addresses listed in the respective article.
If you have a substantial comment or critique about a paper, please submit a letter to the editor (see How do I submit a letter to the editor?).
Also, do not send us requests about the status of a specific manuscript - see What is the status of my submission? instead.
See also:
- What is the status of my submission?
- Can you give me permission to publish my article as part of my thesis?
- How can I contact staff or editors at JMIR Publications?
- How do I submit a letter to the editor?
- How to publish a correction?
- I am not receiving your emails (have not received a decision email, acceptance email, copyediting request, proofreading request, content alerts...)