Please note that if you choose to pay with a cheque, there will be a delay in processing the payment. For faster processing please use pay with a credit card or wire payment methods.
The preferred option is to pay by credit card via our secure credit card processing gateway Stripe, which accepts all major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Note that Stripe does not support older internet browsers (eg, Internet Explorer). We recommend you use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, as Stripe supports both of these browsers.
Payment can also be made by cheque or wire; however, a 7% administrative surcharge applies for all memberships and fees which are not paid through credit card.
JMIR Publications does not keep any credit card information on file, nor do we even see the credit card information such as number or expiration date.
If you wish to change the method of payment that appears on your invoice, please do so on the Generate Invoice page.
Bank accounts (wire and cheque remittance information) and tax information (W8/W9 forms) can be found on our Contact Us page
See also: